Monday 11 April 2016

Russian Nationals 2016 - Event Finals (Welcome back Seda and Afan)

I really have nothing to say. Most gymnasts performed just as well or bad as before, except for my dear Seda, of course. And Afan who returned from the dead to show everyone that she still has it when she bothers to care.

My darling Princess Tut was on fire Saturday winning the vault title (with her iffy DTY) and hitting her upgraded bar set without problems. But by Sunday, she was back to her usual self falling everywhere. I want her to win at least one title on beam, is that so much to ask for? Maybe she was just getting tired, it was several days of competition. I'll make any excuse for her that I can.

Melka was still making her case for the Olympics in a spectacular way and kept hitting all of her routines. I have to say, I was really unsure about her at the beginning of last year, as she was very messy. I started to believe in her by the end of the year because of the improvements, and now I'm a true believer. As much as someone can be a true believer in a young Russian gymnasts who has all the time in the world to get injured or bomb at a major meet and get shunned by the Rodionenkos.

The battle of Dashas on bars got real however. Really real. Skrypnik won by a bit, but Spiridoz grabbed herself a shared gold apparently after an inquiry. Okay...  You aren't supposed to inquire execution score but whatever, get your gold Spiridoz. Aliya performed her usual perfect self, but finished third because of her lower difficulty.

Full results of the competition are still here.
Unfortunately I couldn't find full recording of the livestream, but you can search for separate routines on youtube or vk.


Uneven bars (Aliya was actually third but posed in the middle anyway bc she's the Queen)

Balance beam

Floor exercise (Melka and Afan got joint first)

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