Wednesday 24 February 2016

Why, Kyla, Why

So Kyla Ross, my favorite Fierce Five member, announced her retirement from elite two days ago.

Ummm, Kyla?!?! Didn't you read my last post about retirements and how they're going to happen AFTER Rio? You just had to go ahead and one-up everybody by starting early, didn't you.

This is like Ana Porgras back in 2012. Or not, since Kyla actually got to go to the Olympics at least once. But it's still devastating. She's been around for such a long time (National Team member since 2009) that it's difficult to picture USA gymnastics without her. And even after last year she's still the most reliable gymnast in my mind. I wouldn't have hesitated putting her up in team finals in Glasgow even with all the struggles she had throughout last year. I'm sure she would have delivered just like she always did when they needed her. She was never really a team leader or a star, but I feel like she was incredibly needed during the transitional years after the Olympics, so young but a pillar of strength subtly holding the team together.

And she was such a beautiful gymnast. Long lines, beautiful technique and precision with a touch of elegance, everything I love in a gymnast. And photogenic, nearly impossible to find a bad picture of her. I was trying to find a nice montage to put here, but even though there were plenty of nice montages, I couldn't find the perfect one for my Kyla.

I still wanted to pay homage to her, so I included her in my series of...different sides thingies? I don't think this series has a name, I should come up with one. But here's for Kyla, you will be missed.

Kyla's going to start college gymnastics at UCLA in the fall on the same team as former elites Danusia Francis (senior now, so she will graduate before it), Katelyn Ohashi and Peng Peng Lee. Another Fierce Five alumna, Jordyn Wieber is a team manager so I'm sure Kyla will fit right in. Not to mention that she's such a tough competitor with excellent execution. I have a feeling that there are plenty of Perfect 10s just waiting for her at college.

Go win everything Kyla.


  1. How tall is Kyla Ross anyway?

    1. 5'7'', or 170 cm. just watched her first college meet and the commentators kept repeating it ������
