Monday 15 August 2016

Rio 2016: A Complete Collection

Of course she had to get every color!

A complete collection, just as I suspected. Putin better have that car, cash and condo ready for her, she's earned it.
I couldn't watch the actual competition live because I was way too emotionally attached to her defending that Olympic gold, but I just finished watching it (after knowing the results) and I couldn't be happier. Congrats to Masha too, another repeat Olympian who didn't only defend her medal, but made it one color brighter. And poor Spiridoz, I hope I didn't jinx her... But she's young, there are plenty of
medals in the World left for her, Olympic ones in Tokyo. And she won't go home empty-handed, she has the silver.

I have the first day of school tomorrow (this semester). I've been dreading it ever since the last semester ended, but good thing there's still two days of gymnastics to cheer me up. Less emotional too since Russia fucked up and didn't qualify. But beam gold for Flavia, pretty please?

I'll write more tomorrow, it's not like I have anything else to do while sitting in class, unless I fall asleep. Thank god for that crappy but cheap cafeteria coffee. I'm supposed to be up in 5 1/2 hours and I'm way too happy for Aliya to go to bed right now.


  1. Don't worry, you didn't jinx Spiridoz because I'm sure I did. I was too chicken to watch the first half of the final live but couldn't stop myself from checking the results midway which point I saw Aliya was ahead, and excitedly booted up the livestream just in time to watch Spiri fall 10 seconds later. So clearly I'm the jinx.

    Good luck to you on your first day!

    1. Thanks! My first day of school was surprisingly nice, I found like 20 pokemon and then took an awesome nap at one of the student lounges during lunch break. So productive.

      Maybe it was a double jinx then, her mistake was certainly big enough for that amount of bad luck.
