Friday 22 July 2016

So Much Drama

I don't have a computer before next week so I can't make any fancy posts, but I thought I should do some sort of update with so much going on recently. As you probably know, the entire Russian Olympic Team is on the verge of getting banned after WADA's incriminating findings. I obviously want the gymnastics team to go and as they weren't involved with the scandal, it would be unfair to hold them back. The same with other athletes not involved. But every time I read anything from the Russian press, I start seeing red. They just want to sweep everything under the rug and not only that, but they think they deserve to have everything swept under the rug. This is all blown out of proportions and they've fixed the problem. Just no. Guess what, if you fuck with the rules, the rules are going to fuck with you. And you deserve to be punished. You have systematically shat on the rules so deal with it. You're going to pay for it and you should take it humbly.

Sorry for that rant. It's just, ugh. Just grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your actions. If you lose the trust, you don't get it back until you've proven to be worth it.

There's still nothing definitive, but it looks like the "blanket ban" won't happen. In that case the final decision is left for the international sports federations, for gymnasts, FIG. The FIG has been very supportive of the Russian gymnasts throughout this, so it would mean they get to go.

But now, from plain old boring Russian sports drama, let's step it up to Russian gymnastics drama!

The final (aka latest team #9782) team was announced: Aliya, Beefarm, Seda, Melka and Spiridoz with alternates Kapi and Afan. For an entire two seconds (wow) it remained the same and then we were hit with a bunch of unconfirmed rumors. Afan is sick, Melka is injured and out, the world is ending etc. Nothing out of the ordinary for Russia. And you know what comes next: Valentina making a dramatic but untrue announcement. She did that exactly and told the press that Afan had succumbed to her injuries and retired.

Now that's terrible news, but don't worry, Afan already personally announced on VK that she has kidney stones, is at the hospital and had an operation to insert an ureteral stent. So she's definitely out of Rio, but she also said nothing of retirement. As only a few months ago she was talking about taking a short break and coming back for Tokyo, I find a retirement because of kidney stones hard to believe. Although she should check on her nutrition, she had a kidney infection only less than a year ago... And BTW, Afan's alternate spot is going to Shelgie. Good, she deserves it.

And about Melka. The rumor was that she had issues with a hamstring. There's no official word on what's going on, but other signs appear positive. She was at a recent press conference, and she posted a video montage of the team on VK this morning, she was in it. So if the rumor about a hamstring injury is true, it's something minor. Obviously even a pulled muscle is bad this close to the Games, but I'm sure they can tape it and hope for the best. She's had hamstring problems before and it made her beam look terrible during that time. Not good since the team needs a huge score from her there. Light your candles, people.

There's also some more drama going on in VK. People are dissing Seda and her inclusion to the team, Seda's brother Vaik and Ksenia Semenova are defending her. It's two weeks to the Games and Russia is running out of gymnasts. Are people seriously thinking they can put either one of the Dashas or Kapi on beam and floor instead of Seda? Just no. Seda is the only choice for her spot, deal with it. It's too late to complain, just support your team, the gymnasts actually often read the comments on VK.

I haven't yet had time to dig deep into the press conference, but I'm sure you're relieved to know that  Aliya was Aliya. The entire team was wearing team gear, but the Queen showed up looking all emo in a black T-shirt and a sour face. I love her. She just doesn't give a fuck, she doesn't need to at this point.

That T-shirt is apparently some American football team merchandise. Okay. Someone on tumblr said (can't link you) that this looked like a trial. Aliya is accused of murder, Seda is her lawyer trying her best to defend her to the judge while Aliya is declaring she did it and she'd do it again. Looks accurate.

I'm sorry, but this is all I can post right now. I hope it cleared some stuff up. 

Oh, and here's the video Melka posted:

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